Employee attendance management system

There were times when staffs were using paper and pen method to mark the attendance. At the end of every month/year calculating the total number of days, employee attended the company and the attendance percent become an irksome task. Also, the chances of making errors were possible in this method.

To maintain an accurate record of employee attendance and complete details XIPHIAS designed and developed Employee Attendance Management System software. Attendance of the employees is definitely one of the important factors of the corporate world.

Benefits of the Employee Attendance Management System:
1)    Monitor the presence and absence of the employees in the organization.
2)    Monitor the in-time and out-time of all the employees.
3)    Helps in recording leaves and other important data.
4)    Makes the data management system quick and efficient.

Most companies install a biometric system that works with the help of a card. Each employee is given a card that has a unique barcode. When the employee swipes the card his/her attendance for the day is marked.

By using this employee attendance management system it reduces the work of HR and also saves time. They are different types of attendance management systems such as Biometric attendance management system, Face recognition attendance system; Fingerprint attendance management system and RFID based attendance system which gives the flexibility to choose the suitable system for them.

To know more information visit here:  Employee Attendance Management System


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