Online Exam System

This is the era of computer and we are adopting a fast mechanism to solve any problem. Online Exam System is also a way to give the result as soon as we submit the paper. This Online Examination System is conducted through the internet to test a candidate. Candidates are given a limited time to answer the question and after the time expiry, the answer paper is disabled automatically and answer is sent to the examiner.

XIPHIAS Software Technologies designed and developed A.T.S.I. examination module which allows you to create exam schedules for a specific year/semester. This Online Exam system lessens the probability of errors during the evaluation and makes results available in a few clicks.

The online exam system is a web-based application. This system suits the need of Educational institutions, primary and secondary schools, colleges, professional institutions, universities and training academies. This system main aim is to reduce costs associated with conducting exams over a period of time and achieving total automation of examination system related tasks.

Advantages of Online Exam System:
           1.     Physical presence at a given location is not necessary.
           2.     No time is spent on evaluation.
           3.     Results are available instantly.
           4.     Easy accessibility.
           5.     User-friendly

Online exam System is one stop solution to clear all the worries of preparation of any examination at any level. This Online exam system is very popular among universities and also for the schools that wish to be on the list of best schools in the world. Using this modern method technology the whole exam process simplifies the evaluation process and helps in saving time and most importantly paper.

To know more information visit here: Online exam system


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