Fee Collection Software

With the more usage of digital devices like computers, laptops and mobile devices the use of paper is reduced. Fee Collection Software is one of the key components in managing educational institutions, coaching, and training centers. XIPHIAS Software Technologies developed A.T.S.I. in this a fee module is one of the most automated fee collection modules on hand. It comes with all the digital features that are needed to reduce the use of paper as well as cash in its operations on the market.

Student fee collection and management is a complex task for any educational institutions. The schools/college spends a lot of time and manpower to handle the fee collection management. A.T.S.I. Fee collection software helps in managing the works like school fee collection and receipt generator.

Benefits of Fee Collection Software:
1.     Fee structure creation with all related information.
2.     Fee due alerts at right time.
3.     Can pay the fee at convenient times.
4.     Accuracy with no chance of calculation errors.
5.     Generates and print receipts of fees along with fee receipt no.
6.     Productivity and effective manpower replacement
7.     Transactions can be made from anywhere at any time.

Through the Fee Collection Software, all the transactions are automatically posted into user accounts, a user with no knowledge of accounts can easily create billing vouchers, no need of any technical training required to work on fee collection software. It can manage and create multiple fee structures.

Online Fee management software is one of the most essential online filing systems. Just by clicking the student name or admission number user can access complete information about that particular student. Smart educational institutions stay competitive using this technology.

For more information click here: Fee Collection Software


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