
Showing posts from February, 2019

Payroll Management Software

A complete Payroll management software function is to ease the burden on the HR department. This module allows the user to store academic and nonacademic staff information such as personal details, pay band details, grade pay details. XIPHIAS developed ERP employee automation software that includes all types of management and administration profile as time office, salary & wages, and reimbursement etc. Advantages of Payroll management software: 1.      No repetition of task 2.      Accurate and genuine calculation 3.      Enhanced data security 4.      Reduction of work pressure 5.      Proper balance between work and employee The best payroll management software is capable of keeping a detailed record of the employee’s working days, personal details, grade pay details, and also assists in the reports needed for departmental processes like PF forms and challans etc. For more Information visit here:  Payroll management software  

Student management software

The technological advancement in the past century has been beyond our imagination. It has made its way to every walk of life even in the educational institutions. Student management software is very well known ERP (Enterprise resource planning) used in majority of educational institutions. The use of ERP made managing data and records of educational institutions in a smooth way. Right from tracking the admission process of students, to their academics, facilitating collaboration, allowing schools to collect their fees, conduct examination, and distribute grade cards to concern dashboards, this Student management software A.T.S.I. has automated every system. XIPHIAS has the solutions for you in making your task easy through this educational software. Admission time is most stressful and tiresome task for both parents and school authorities, which demand alertness during that time. While using School Management Software maintaining the record of each student becomes easy

Library management

In any school Library is the need and it is expected to be well organized. A Library is the heart of every institution. If students want to take any particular books it’s difficult to find manually to solve this problem XIPHIAS developed A.T.S.I. with the implementation of these Library management software managing things have become easier than before in the institutions. Library management system is designed to make the everyday working of the library very easy and simple. It can be done wherever we are by just using the application. It keeps track of issued, returned, reserved, requested, added books in the library. Library management system helps to provide all the information to the user as well as the library administrator. It provides all the facilities to the user. It has three logins that are one for the administrator, one for the teacher and one for the student. By using this application we can save our time and cost. Admin Login : In admin login admin can

Employee attendance management system

There were times when staffs were using paper and pen method to mark the attendance. At the end of every month/year calculating the total number of days, employee attended the company and the attendance percent become an irksome task. Also, the chances of making errors were possible in this method. To maintain an accurate record of employee attendance and complete details XIPHIAS designed and developed Employee Attendance Management System software. Attendance of the employees is definitely one of the important factors of the corporate world. Benefits of the Employee Attendance Management System : 1)     Monitor the presence and absence of the employees in the organization. 2)     Monitor the in-time and out-time of all the employees. 3)     Helps in recording leaves and other important data. 4)     Makes the data management system quick and efficient. Most companies install a biometric system that works with the help of a card. Each employee is given a card

Online Exam System

This is the era of computer and we are adopting a fast mechanism to solve any problem. Online Exam System is also a way to give the result as soon as we submit the paper. This Online Examination System is conducted through the internet to test a candidate. Candidates are given a limited time to answer the question and after the time expiry, the answer paper is disabled automatically and answer is sent to the examiner. XIPHIAS Software Technologies designed and developed A.T.S.I. examination module which allows you to create exam schedules for a specific year/semester. This Online Exam system lessens the probability of errors during the evaluation and makes results available in a few clicks. The online exam system is a web-based application. This system suits the need of Educational institutions, primary and secondary schools, colleges, professional institutions, universities and training academies. This system main aim is to reduce costs associated with conducting